OMG... finally finish camp..damn exhausted and exhilirated...
the nasty parts of it were the recruits( making a lot of noise)
the nice parts were the activities...
night walks, games, first aid practical test...and more...
we got to know our juniours better and shouted alot(yea kenneth i can shout..)
so i guess thats through way the things appear...
nothing much...the food was okay
the activities were fun,
the sleeping time was way too short..
well..all for 1 and 1 for all they say.
1st day was like rubbish...we went in for the lecture and guess what? i could'nt hear the officer talk at all! So i screamed at my juniors to quiten worked...not for long..
then my batch started shouting at them to shut turned out rather awful...
well i got to know 1 of them..melvin...nice guy... obey orders...and most importantly...he nvr gives up...(dicovered that during the night walk..)
i admire him for that and i should think that the rest should follow...
ovrall i enjoyed my camp... and the next one would be in this month, March...
best of luck,
Woo Kai Kein