Live life to the fullest
Today as i got into tuition class, i saw her.
Every now and then, i'll remind myself that i ought to at least try to get her handphone number or at the very least, her msn contact.
Then the lesson started, and i find myself looking at her, from across the room, everytime i'm not writing, which is pretty often. I admire her soft hair, her very beautiful side profile, her high cheek bones, her hollowed cheeks, pale and soft. And now and then, she would look up and look around and when she does that, i would look back at my task at hand. Afraid to be noticed. And often i'm too slow and got noticed, my cheeks would burn when our gazes meet. If so happens that she asked a question, i would hear it carefully for she rarely speaks and her voice is as sweet as honey, soft and delicate, light as a feather and yet as clear as a crystal. They way she stood, sat, walked, makes me feel like a rough and barbaric caveman. And yet shes cheerful and happy. For 3 months i noticed her. And never did i once had the courage to go up to her. At that present time, whenever she smiled, it would be etched into my memory.
So 1 day, i decided to go up to her. My plan was to catch her after class for she left the classroom last. However i was determined to ask, my mouth and tongue would stop me. I walked pass her and my heart jumped to my throat, every single time. 1 day i whispered her name softly as i walked pass her, she responded and i was going to die of a heart attack. I said that i was trying to start remembering everyone's name and bade her farewell. As i walked on, i cursed my petite courage and spat on the fact that i stumbled and would most probably sound stupid and lame. I cannot start to describe the feeling everytime i see her. It would be almost like heaven except for the gravity... Everytime i see her, my head would fill with this soft buzzing sound that is both pleasing and irritating at the same time, but i don't mind.I would taste honey on my tongue and feel like floating away if nothing was there to hold me down. Due to my inadequate english command, i would be unable to describe my thoughts, emotions and feeling across properly.
My hope is to contact her and maybe watch a few movies with her.
KaiKein, deprived.
Every now and then, i'll remind myself that i ought to at least try to get her handphone number or at the very least, her msn contact.
Then the lesson started, and i find myself looking at her, from across the room, everytime i'm not writing, which is pretty often. I admire her soft hair, her very beautiful side profile, her high cheek bones, her hollowed cheeks, pale and soft. And now and then, she would look up and look around and when she does that, i would look back at my task at hand. Afraid to be noticed. And often i'm too slow and got noticed, my cheeks would burn when our gazes meet. If so happens that she asked a question, i would hear it carefully for she rarely speaks and her voice is as sweet as honey, soft and delicate, light as a feather and yet as clear as a crystal. They way she stood, sat, walked, makes me feel like a rough and barbaric caveman. And yet shes cheerful and happy. For 3 months i noticed her. And never did i once had the courage to go up to her. At that present time, whenever she smiled, it would be etched into my memory.
So 1 day, i decided to go up to her. My plan was to catch her after class for she left the classroom last. However i was determined to ask, my mouth and tongue would stop me. I walked pass her and my heart jumped to my throat, every single time. 1 day i whispered her name softly as i walked pass her, she responded and i was going to die of a heart attack. I said that i was trying to start remembering everyone's name and bade her farewell. As i walked on, i cursed my petite courage and spat on the fact that i stumbled and would most probably sound stupid and lame. I cannot start to describe the feeling everytime i see her. It would be almost like heaven except for the gravity... Everytime i see her, my head would fill with this soft buzzing sound that is both pleasing and irritating at the same time, but i don't mind.I would taste honey on my tongue and feel like floating away if nothing was there to hold me down. Due to my inadequate english command, i would be unable to describe my thoughts, emotions and feeling across properly.
My hope is to contact her and maybe watch a few movies with her.
KaiKein, deprived.