Live life to the fullest
Yes, as you may have heard, the ACS carnival has been pushed back to 14th november. one day after our O levels!
Still trying to sell my coupons and because most of my network of friends are sec 4, i simply cannot get them to buy the tickets at first...i wonder now that the date has been pushed back, would they buy?
Anyways, I lost a dear friend, deleted me from FB and not replying to my messages... Hoping that she would get back to me. really saddens me to think that people fall out so easily and for no apparent reason too.
i've no idea what i did... perhaps i broke my promise? but very unlikely... Have to leave fro now.
Trust takes a long time to build, but can be destroyed in a blink of an eye.
Still trying to sell my coupons and because most of my network of friends are sec 4, i simply cannot get them to buy the tickets at first...i wonder now that the date has been pushed back, would they buy?
Anyways, I lost a dear friend, deleted me from FB and not replying to my messages... Hoping that she would get back to me. really saddens me to think that people fall out so easily and for no apparent reason too.
i've no idea what i did... perhaps i broke my promise? but very unlikely... Have to leave fro now.
Trust takes a long time to build, but can be destroyed in a blink of an eye.