Live life to the fullest
Confused about what? Confused about my parent's decisions.
I want to go to church and I know its good for me, but my parents forbade me to go. If it was during school time I understand, but its the holidays and the situation isn't getting better. Sometimes i quarrel with them on this but as usual, they act without reason and have no better explanation other than hoping I wouldn't become a pastor.
The most confusing part is that, my mum... actually believes in Christ and promotes me to go attend another church. So i took that for her actual motive at first.
Then she said, "Reason is that i want you to spend more time with the family."
When i'm actually at home, she's asleep. When i'm out she complains and to be frank with you I don't go out as often as other people when they finished their o levels. I'm just an average joe. And i find this situation laughable.
My parents have absolutely no idea, on how obedient I am. Yes i may defy their orders at first, but in the very end i actually would carry them out. If they say Sunday cannot go out, then I won't. Its always like this, and in the end because of them, i cancel appointments and postpone meetings to a later date, making me look like a unreliable person.
And when i'm at home, they say that they need to work, so i thought to myself, "I'd rather go out then!"
"No." is the answer i always hear. Even going to the library is something of precious time outside.
Yes, i may disobey them in terms of trivial and stupid things, but when it comes to curfew, work, money. I always obey them willingly or reluctantly. Other people of my age are already smoking, drinking and whatnot. I? I'm just at home 24/7 playing games on my computer and maybe blogging.
I really would wish to trade lives with my friends, for just a day...1 day. 1 day is enough. This is my plight and there is no cure for it.
Now i can only got to church fortnightly, I have half-hearted commitments due to the enormous amount of time spent at home. Its not that i'm not committed but more that i'm forced to be uncommitted and ignorant. Newspaper is not as good as the sights, sounds and touch of the outside world.
I want to go to church and I know its good for me, but my parents forbade me to go. If it was during school time I understand, but its the holidays and the situation isn't getting better. Sometimes i quarrel with them on this but as usual, they act without reason and have no better explanation other than hoping I wouldn't become a pastor.
The most confusing part is that, my mum... actually believes in Christ and promotes me to go attend another church. So i took that for her actual motive at first.
Then she said, "Reason is that i want you to spend more time with the family."
When i'm actually at home, she's asleep. When i'm out she complains and to be frank with you I don't go out as often as other people when they finished their o levels. I'm just an average joe. And i find this situation laughable.
My parents have absolutely no idea, on how obedient I am. Yes i may defy their orders at first, but in the very end i actually would carry them out. If they say Sunday cannot go out, then I won't. Its always like this, and in the end because of them, i cancel appointments and postpone meetings to a later date, making me look like a unreliable person.
And when i'm at home, they say that they need to work, so i thought to myself, "I'd rather go out then!"
"No." is the answer i always hear. Even going to the library is something of precious time outside.
Yes, i may disobey them in terms of trivial and stupid things, but when it comes to curfew, work, money. I always obey them willingly or reluctantly. Other people of my age are already smoking, drinking and whatnot. I? I'm just at home 24/7 playing games on my computer and maybe blogging.
I really would wish to trade lives with my friends, for just a day...1 day. 1 day is enough. This is my plight and there is no cure for it.
Now i can only got to church fortnightly, I have half-hearted commitments due to the enormous amount of time spent at home. Its not that i'm not committed but more that i'm forced to be uncommitted and ignorant. Newspaper is not as good as the sights, sounds and touch of the outside world.